Getting involved in a grant isn’t nearly as hard as many people expect. You will work with our grant specialist to determine your goals and desires, then he/she will work to write a draft grant to achieve that. Then a process of refinement occurs until the grant until it is exactly what you want.
Then, it will depend if the grant falls into the Small Grant or Large Grant category to determine the timing of approval and implementation (Learn more here).
If your project is approved, you are able to then hire contractors and/or begin work yourself (based on agreement reached in the grant writing) according to the timeline set in the grant.
Grants are meant to be flexible and meet your needs, as well as fulfill the goals set by the Council: to achieve the greatest quality and quantity of water flow in the Malheur Watershed Basin.
How to get started…
Call or email us and see how we can help you get started on the process!