Leading the effort to conserve, protect and enhance all watershed resources in the Malheur Basin.
When the watershed thrives, so do its associated industries and communities.
A watershed serves as the lifeblood of diverse industries and land uses - intricately interwoven with agriculture, timber production and harvest, and mining in the Malheur River Basin. Land uses within the watershed have and effect on water quality, soil stability, and biodiversity. Conversely, a healthy watershed supports thriving industries and resilient communities by providing clean water, sustainable resources, and natural protection against disasters. Investing in the preservation and restoration of our watersheds isn’t just an environmental imperative; it’s a strategic investment in the prosperity and resilience of our economies and communities.
The Malheur Watershed Council is bringing people together to work constructively to fulfill watershed objectives because the communities and economies of the Basin depend on clean, reliable water.
The Malheur Watershed Council works to distribute grant funding from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) and other partner organizations like the NRCS and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to local landowners. The Council funds projects focused on improving water quality, wildlife habitat, and rangeland health. These projects translate into on-the-ground actions like juniper removal, installing pivots or sprinkler irrigation systems, fencing and water developments, invasive annual grass treatments and much more.
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